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Origin Family - Guatemala (Decaffeinated)

  • Region:

    Origin Family

  • Preparation:

    Washed / CO2 Decaf

  • Varietal:

    Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon

  • Altitude:

    1600 - 1700 MASL

  • Best for:

    Espresso / Filter

  • Flavour profile:

    Chocolate, Almonds, Honey

  • Product info


    This is an Omni-roasted coffee which means it is roasted to highlight the flavour of the coffee and will work well in all brew methods.

    Farm info

    After many years with our previous decaf coffee we have a new lot this year Origin Family. A delicious chocolate, creamy coffee with a lingering honey and almond after taste. Low acidity and the perfect choice for a great all round coffee which is completely decaffeinated.

    Sourced from our Guatemala green coffee supplier Primavera, this Family lot was created from 10-15 producers in the Huehuetenango region. The quality of these lots were better suited to a balanced regional blend than to offer as single microlots, and sometimes the lots themselves are too small to stand alone as microlots.

    The coffee was purchased to offer a wider range of quality, and producers can sell more of their coffee for a better price, enabling them to invest in their farms and wet mills.

    Primavera are constantly working with their producers to help them improve the quality and productivity of their farms. Hoping that in the future they might be able to sell more of these lots as single farm coffees.

    For this particular lot, they purchased and blended coffees of 84 and 85 points to create a regional blend with the classic, balanced Huehue profile.

    This regional lot is unique, and each lot of the Family blend has full transparency and is traceable to the farm level.

    The coffee is decaffinated using natural carbon dioxide under subcritical conditions (i.e. relatively low temperature and pressure). This particularly gentle process and the good caffeine selectivity of liquid CO2 guarantee a high retention of aroma and taste components. The process is all-natural and certified organic.

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